Qualification Round

  1. Problem A: Standing Ovation.
  2. Problem B: Infinite House of Pancakes.
  3. Problem C: Dijkstra.
  4. Problem D: Ominous Omino.

Language Popularity

Problem AProblem BProblem CProblem DSetsPeople
LanguageSLSLSLSLTotalAll / Adv / Perfect
C126784012072187263521328771347 / 472 / 4
C#80568421611421574231312370831 / 397 / 12
C++108039252486437563664146036663603782511295 / 7067 / 215
Clojure25225332516626 / 11 / 1
D1616910751017422 / 15 / 2
F#20177611377122 / 16
Go12811525113414393369139 / 67 / 1
Groovy2319644516223 / 9
Haskell185178755271425111665201 / 133 / 6
Java46933881107365711733431395112133274825 / 2194 / 56
JavaScript1411112713287382367149 / 59 / 2
MATLAB342812812416211638 / 24
OCaml25231712191212512535 / 25 / 4
Pascal2815767357134 / 17
Perl8366151019532523591 / 48 / 2
PHP1721373012264433427177 / 70 / 1
Python3777331610765849884211192120114743985 / 2058 / 62
R2018624185922 / 11 / 1
Ruby30327389517024915906320 / 173 / 2
Scala13011942164315424411143 / 88 / 2
Visual Basic242094831318226 / 14
ActionScript32163 / 1
AWK33112105 / 5 / 1
Brainfuck1122 / 2
CoffeeScript9101312410 / 5
Dart5622156 / 4
Elixir2211173 / 2
Erlang552125 / 2
Fortran32212105 / 4
Idris1122 / 2
J21142 / 1
Julia65412132210 / 9
Kotlin2211172 / 2
Lisp17166442615618 / 12
LLVM1122 / 2
LOLCODE1122 / 2 / 1
Lua96221132411 / 5
Make1122 / 2
Objective-C11911222612 / 4
Octave321285 / 3
Picat221164 / 3
PowerShell44112124 / 2
Racket4422112166 / 4
Rust14105495715518 / 12 / 1
Scheme32311106 / 5
Shell4221224179 / 7
Spreadsheet2111111192 / 2 / 2
SQL211152 / 2
Swift8631323268 / 6
TCL331184 / 2
Basic111 / 1
bc111 / 1
Befunge111 / 1
CJam111 / 1
dc111 / 1
Factor11131 / 1
Golfscript111 / 1
Haxe1121 / 1
Lazy K111 / 1
Logo111 / 1
Markov algorithm111 / 1
Mathematica111 / 1
Maxima111 / 1
Piet111 / 1
Processing1121 / 1
Prolog111 / 1
Shakespeare111 / 1
WRAPL1111151 / 1
XQuery1121 / 1
XSLT111 / 1
Xtend11131 / 1
Total2284119266777654306633248573036847241823285 / 12432 / 348

Legend: advancing to next round, perfect score.
