Round 3

  1. Problem A: How Big Are the Pockets?.
  2. Problem B: Portal.
  3. Problem C: No Cheating.
  4. Problem D: Endless Knight.

Language Popularity

Problem AProblem BProblem CProblem DSetsPeople
LanguageSLSLSLSLTotalAll / Adv / Perfect
C#10875152267332 / 18
C++2421501169341656651221746682 / 401 / 2
Java412623165681006276108 / 57
Python623252514426 / 9
C312281713418 / 8
Haskell11113183 / 1
Lisp211262 / 2
Pascal4443621313713 / 8
Ruby334105 / 3
Visual Basic111141 / 1
Total31119515912350968844322241882 / 500 / 2

Legend: advancing to next round, perfect score.
