Language Details: Clojure
Skip to: Contestants · Problems solved · Represented countries.
Clojure is a dialect of Lisp that targets the Java Virtual Machine.
— Official website (see also: Wikipedia article)
Problems solved
- Qualification Round (104 solutions by 26 contestants):
- Oversized Pancake Flipper: 18 small solutions, 14 large solutions.
- Tidy Numbers: 23 small solutions, 14 large solutions.
- Bathroom Stalls: 14 small solutions, 13 large-1 solutions, 8 large-2 solutions.
- Round 1A (5 solutions by 4 contestants):
- Alphabet Cake: 3 small solutions, 1 large solution.
- Ratatouille: 1 small solution.
- Round 1B (11 solutions by 5 contestants):
- Steed 2: Cruise Control: 5 small solutions, 5 large solutions.
- Stable Neigh-bors: 1 small solution.
- Round 1C (1 solution by 1 contestant):
- Ample Syrup: 1 small solution.
Submission Origin
United States (10 contestants) Japan (3 contestants) Germany (3 contestants) India (2 contestants) | Finland (2 contestants) Poland (1 contestant) Jamaica (1 contestant) France (1 contestant) | China (1 contestant) Belarus (1 contestant) Australia (1 contestant) |