Language Details: Scala
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Problems solved
- Qualification Round (51 solutions by 15 contestants):
- Alien Language: 12 small solutions, 11 large solutions.
- Watersheds: 7 small solutions, 7 large solutions.
- Welcome to Code Jam: 10 small solutions, 4 large solutions.
- Round 1A (9 solutions by 6 contestants):
- Multi-base happiness: 6 small solutions.
- Collecting Cards: 2 small solutions, 1 large solution.
- Round 1B (7 solutions by 3 contestants):
- Decision Tree: 3 small solutions, 3 large solutions.
- The Next Number: 1 small solution.
- Round 1C (14 solutions by 4 contestants):
- All Your Base: 4 small solutions, 4 large solutions.
- Center of Mass: 2 small solutions, 2 large solutions.
- Bribe the Prisoners: 2 small solutions.
- Round 2 (3 solutions by 2 contestants):
- Crazy Rows: 1 small solution, 1 large solution.
- A Digging Problem: 1 small solution.
Submission Origin
India (3 contestants) United States (2 contestants) Japan (2 contestants) United Kingdom (1 contestant) | Thailand (1 contestant) Taiwan (1 contestant) Russia (1 contestant) Romania (1 contestant) | Netherlands (1 contestant) Israel (1 contestant) Germany (1 contestant) Brazil (1 contestant) |