Up and Down solutions
Up and Down was solved using Java by 204 contestants. Solution sizes: average 2827 bytes (shortest: 816; longest: 38082).
The list below is sorted by ranking. You can also sort by solution size.
4. wata (S, L) (1050 B) 8. winger (S, L) (3447 B) 10. eatmore (S, L) (1970 B) 13. qwerty787788 (S, L) (2653 B) 17. mystic (S, L) (2368 B) 19. Tkachev (S, L) (2766 B) 24. EgorKulikov (S, L) (5183 B) 31. VArtem (S, L) (2087 B) 55. darnley (S, L) (1820 B) 58. niyaznigmatul (S, L) (1961 B) 67. argentony (S, L) (2127 B) 69. AlexanderBolshakov (S, L) (2459 B) 86. hs484 (S, L) (2381 B) 88. Rubanenko (S, L) (3473 B) 95. S.Yesipenko (S, L) (7533 B) 102. humblefool (S, L) (1646 B) 113. Joshik (S, L) (1712 B) 129. Aksenov239 (S, L) (2056 B) 137. SergeyWeiss (S, L) (3320 B) 185. j.e. (S, L) (1324 B) 191. ivan.popelyshev (S, L) (2202 B) 199. Sammarize (S, L) (3731 B) 200. pashka (S, L) (2069 B) 213. andrewzta (S, L) (2490 B) 224. lightning95 (S, L) (2654 B) |
236. Elias (S, L) (2733 B) 262. uwi (S, L) (5316 B) 274. m.radwan (S, L) (1439 B) 286. tsukuno (S, L) (1382 B) 288. 2rf (S, L) (2384 B) 294. Jokser (S, L) (2979 B) 295. edorundo (S, L) (1110 B) 306. indy256 (S, L) (2594 B) 307. sroyal (S, L) (2829 B) 320. Phil217 (S, L) 324. Smitty (S, L) (2383 B) 337. xiaowuc1 (S, L) (3912 B) 358. Blue.Bear (S, L) (1603 B) 373. stolis (S, L) (1981 B) 381. Yarin (S, L) 384. w.yj (S, L) (1130 B) 388. foxwlog (S, L) (1385 B) 392. mikhailOK (S, L) (3143 B) 408. hamadu (S, L) (1218 B) 428. albaniliu (S, L) (2877 B) 433. mkirsche (S, L) (3788 B) 440. Wolfje (S, L) (2115 B) 457. Lewin (S, L) (6255 B) 466. islam.al.aarag (S, L) (1260 B) 472. Ryan (S, L) (1001 B) |
481. twds (S, L) (3809 B) 488. HellFalcon (S, L) (1339 B) 525. shouhm (S, L) (1466 B) 535. gojira (S, L) (2310 B) 542. miguelmaurizio (S, L) (3016 B) 549. kivus (S, L) (1965 B) 560. anton.akhi (S, L) (4273 B) 590. zms (S, L) (3413 B) 599. matias (S, L) (3653 B) 604. chavit92 (S, L) (1672 B) 612. Kraken (S, L) (1638 B) 622. tomerun (S, L) (1048 B) 638. megaterik (S, L) (2458 B) 647. Gleb (S, L) (2372 B) 662. mypetclone (S, L) (1911 B) 667. pashkal (S, L) (1671 B) 670. goalboy1015 (S, L) (1544 B) 673. bay73 (S, L) (2315 B) 690. GreenPeace (S, L) (1263 B) 714. jalman (S, L) (2853 B) 715. ss. (S, L) (2373 B) 718. bluepichu (S, L) (2002 B) 741. hweigel (S, L) (847 B) 744. cs6096 (S, L) (3981 B) 754. Pitaga (S, L) (1742 B) |
759. MaximKalinin (S, L) (4103 B) 759. rabot (S, L) (1836 B) 762. llaki (S, L) (1610 B) 769. Paul.T (S, L) 773. Alex.CHS (S, L) (1228 B) 791. Ratmir15 (S, L) (4897 B) 792. CataractGoogly (S, L) (1290 B) 823. Ahmed.Ibrahem (S, L) (1740 B) 829. simenl (S, L) (1713 B) 830. pipikaqiu (S, L) (1619 B) 838. Sasha (S, L) (1411 B) 839. Darko (S, L) (1332 B) 845. ika (S, L) (3207 B) 846. SaveVMK (S, L) (1059 B) 847. Cricycle (S, L) (2919 B) 856. Mathfactory (S, L) 861. alexey.enkov (S, L) (4548 B) 867. lazzrov (S, L) (3415 B) 875. Redbug (S, L) (5502 B) 881. kp54 (S, L) (816 B) 892. theycallhimtom (S, L) (893 B) 902. starforever (S, L) (886 B) 912. Koyaah (S, L) (3297 B) 917. antonkovsharov (S, L) (1818 B) 919. Jeoygin (S, L) (5961 B) |