The Killer Word solutions
The Killer Word was solved using C++ by 459 contestants. Solution sizes: average 2677 bytes (shortest: 1157; longest: 45589).
The list below is sorted by ranking. You can also sort by solution size.
1. krijgertje (S, L) (2595 B) 2. Myth (S, L) (2061 B) 3. Progbeat (S, L) (1781 B) 4. SkidanovAlexander (S, L) (3214 B) 5. Eryx (S, L) (5662 B) 7. Michael.Levin (S, L) (3502 B) 8. iwi (S, L) (5843 B) 9. Ahyangyi (S, L) (1559 B) 10. cos (S, L) (2408 B) 11. pmnox (S, L) (2953 B) 12. tikitikirevenge (S, L) (2488 B) 14. vlad89 (S, L) (2067 B) 15. Ryan (S, L) (2088 B) 16. pawelparys (S, L) (3133 B) 17. Orfest (S, L) (2483 B) 18. defrager (S, L) (2632 B) 20. Tomato (S, L) (2010 B) 21. msg555 (S, L) (2094 B) 22. ashmelev (S, L) (2783 B) 23. AdrianKuegel (S, L) (2233 B) 24. watashi (S, L) (1489 B) 25. ll931110 (S, L) (2613 B) 26. CH. (S, L) (2497 B) 27. acrush (S, L) (2820 B) 28. jellies (S, L) (2324 B) |
30. TripleM (S, L) (3426 B) 31. Jonick (S, L) (2092 B) 32. Pedro.Bello (S, L) (2003 B) 33. Elmiguel409 (S, L) (45589 B) 34. natalia (S, L) (3002 B) 36. Fumiya (S, L) (1395 B) 38. fsouza (S, L) (1788 B) 39. Mitchell (S, L) (1599 B) 40. surwdkgo (S, L) (3629 B) 41. Pipi (S, L) (1763 B) 42. meret (S, L) (3152 B) 43. jakubr (S, L) (3349 B) 45. anari (S, L) (1161 B) 46. bwps (S, L) (1995 B) 47. GarnetCrow (S, L) (2789 B) 49. linhares (S, L) (1723 B) 50. dwahler (S, L) (3679 B) 51. hamax (S, L) (2249 B) 52. vpj (S, L) (2403 B) 54. qizichao (S, L) (1551 B) 55. levlam (S, L) (2161 B) 56. AxiomOfChoice (S, L) (1626 B) 57. omeometo (S, L) (2124 B) 58. guilherme (S, L) (2349 B) 59. Jan.D.Huang (S, L) (1862 B) |
60. AlexLin (S, L) (1917 B) 61. stgatilov (S, L) (3823 B) 62. Alexander86 (S, L) (2083 B) 63. kcm1700 (S, L) (2139 B) 66. zhouxiaobo (S, L) (2404 B) 69. gagguy (S, L) (1648 B) 71. adrianoo (S, L) (2534 B) 72. Yao (S, L) (2049 B) 74. wishstudio (S, L) (1871 B) 75. shik (S, L) (2525 B) 76. Gnurdux (S, L) (1756 B) 77. SuBaRaSi (S, L) (2405 B) 78. random.johnnyh (S, L) (3323 B) 79. espr1t (S, L) (3363 B) 80. whh (S, L) (1595 B) 81. springegg (S, L) (1926 B) 85. RalphFurmaniak (S, L) (3219 B) 86. eddyferreira (S, L) (3023 B) 91. enot.1.10 (S, L) (1874 B) 92. adeymo (S, L) (3133 B) 93. zaskar (S, L) (2352 B) 96. ariacas (S, L) (2909 B) 97. Adrian.Orzepowski (S, L) (2640 B) 98. iTeal (S, L) (1829 B) 99. TRYang (S, L) (1630 B) |
100. c0cddf (S, L) (2475 B) 103. daoshily (S, L) (2038 B) 104. siavosh (S, L) (2642 B) 105. Alias (S, L) (2172 B) 108. lolotp (S, L) (3828 B) 109. fhlasek (S, L) (1345 B) 111. latsyrc (S, L) (1919 B) 112. bonism (S, L) (1936 B) 113. YUKI.M (S, L) (3572 B) 115. foobarbaz (S, L) (4111 B) 116. Theorem (S, L) (2835 B) 117. IgorTPH (S, L) (3740 B) 118. resty (S, L) (2341 B) 119. seanwu (S, L) (3141 B) 121. Nasa (S, L) (1999 B) 122. abcde12345 (S, L) (2618 B) 123. tanakh (S, L) (2085 B) 125. dg. (S, L) (3782 B) 126. jaz. (S, L) (1741 B) 128. boris4 (S, L) (2612 B) 129. hillboy (S, L) (1685 B) 130. balakrishnan.v (S, L) (1833 B) 131. shimps (S, L) (2808 B) 133. kelvinlau (S, L) (3342 B) 135. rchardx (S, L) (1680 B) |