Saving the Universe solutions
Saving the Universe was solved using Pascal by 148 contestants. Solution sizes: average 2129 bytes (shortest: 687; longest: 49152).
The list below is sorted by solution size. You can also sort by ranking.
pashka (S) (687 B) pashka (L) (687 B) tourist (S) (796 B) tourist (L) (796 B) marspeople (S) (823 B) marspeople (L) (823 B) dgozman (S) (844 B) dgozman (L) (847 B) pqshq (S) (875 B) pqshq (L) (875 B) microbrain (S) (911 B) microbrain (L) (911 B) 2rf (L) (923 B) w0nder (L) (926 B) Jby (S) (934 B) Jby (L) (934 B) SergeyRogulenko (S) (934 B) SergeyRogulenko (L) (934 B) w0nder (S) (944 B) serg5 (S) (983 B) serg5 (L) (983 B) DaLeX (S) (987 B) DaLeX (L) (1019 B) hesibo (S) (1080 B) hesibo (L) (1080 B) |
lyj (S) (1088 B) lyj (L) (1088 B) FAndy (S) (1090 B) FAndy (L) (1090 B) ZEMUSHKA (S) (1093 B) ZEMUSHKA (L) (1093 B) FourLeavedClover (S) (1095 B) FourLeavedClover (L) (1095 B) Csipke (S) (1103 B) Csipke (L) (1103 B) alicyazs (S) (1103 B) alicyazs (L) (1103 B) the.melody (S) (1113 B) the.melody (L) (1113 B) BurnInHeLL (S) (1127 B) oldherl (S) (1128 B) oldherl (L) (1128 B) BurnInHeLL (L) (1129 B) esneider (L) (1140 B) esneider (S) (1149 B) Xie.YR (S) (1168 B) Xie.YR (L) (1168 B) Beresta (S) (1185 B) Beresta (L) (1185 B) KennyHORROR (S) (1192 B) |
KennyHORROR (L) (1192 B) Hedgehog (S) (1194 B) Hedgehog (L) (1196 B) SergiuHlihor (S) (1208 B) SergiuHlihor (L) (1208 B) BazuSal (S) (1212 B) BazuSal (L) (1212 B) YzhEver (S) (1222 B) YzhEver (L) (1222 B) Lazarev (S) (1223 B) Lazarev (L) (1223 B) NewDream (L) (1227 B) TOB.KBECT (S) (1235 B) TOB.KBECT (L) (1235 B) NewDream (S) (1236 B) belomor (S) (1241 B) belomor (L) (1241 B) Nilil (S) (1277 B) Shahab (L) (1291 B) Corleone (L) (1297 B) Shahab (S) (1300 B) Corleone (S) (1306 B) zluke74 (S) (1312 B) true.onion (L) (1350 B) true.onion (S) (1359 B) |
tjbwyk (S) (1390 B) tjbwyk (L) (1390 B) zxbodya (S) (1393 B) zxbodya (L) (1393 B) SashOKovalenkO (S) (1416 B) SashOKovalenkO (L) (1416 B) agh (S) (1432 B) agh (L) (1432 B) zluke74 (L) (1451 B) spiker (S) (1459 B) Fontas (S) (1462 B) Fontas (L) (1462 B) gligam (S) (1467 B) gligam (L) (1470 B) spiker (L) (1484 B) Rgomes (S) (1494 B) Rgomes (L) (1494 B) wist (L) (1501 B) DStepanenko (S) (1502 B) DStepanenko (L) (1502 B) wist (S) (1505 B) Artman (S) (1520 B) Artman (L) (1520 B) HenryNSW (S) (1527 B) ZhouErjin (S) (1529 B) |